What is BLESS?

BLESS is an acronym that represents 5 practices that Jesus modeled for us, and is a simple reminder to share our lives with those around us. This is how we believe God is intentionally calling us to BLESS our city:

   Begin with prayer.  We pray every day, asking God to give us “divine appointments” by putting people in our path who we can bless.
   Listen.  We listen to the needs of the people and places around us.
   Eat.  We share meals with others because eating often leads to connection and meaningful conversation.
   Serve.  We serve others and serve with others to bring hope into hopeless situations.
   Share Jesus.  We share our stories of how Jesus is changing our lives and we invite others to find their own place in God’s story.

BLESS Resources:


Blesseveryhome.com - Join an ever-growing community of Christ followers who are devoted to being a light in their neighborhoods by praying for 5 neighbors a day and living out a "Prayer, Care, Share" missional lifestyle. When you sign up, you will receive a daily email with prayer prompts for 5 of your neighbors.